The Third Space_Elsa Paternotte_IMG_3984_1


The Third Space: Space and Spatiality in the work of Krisztina de Châtel

In 2018, Stichting De Châtel sur place, Bureau Europa and Nederlandse Dansdagen developed the second edition of the dansMuseum titled The Third Space - an exhibition that tells a story about the ongoing tension between space and body in the work of Krisztina de Châtel. 

The exhibition focused on the work of Krisztina de Châtel, in which the relationship between body and space runs through her work as a thematic thread. The exhibition was twofold. On the one hand, spatial objects from De Châtel's earlier oeuvre are on display. On the other hand, a new installation was created for this project to give visitors a new insight into the artist's work.


Context Programme

The Nederlandse Dansdagen, De Châtel sur place, and Bureau Europa offered visitors a contextual programme. With guided tours, dialogues, conversations with Krisztina de Châtel, and films.

  • Exploring Space: Guided movement tour with Francesca Monti, former dancer of Krisztina de
    Châtel. Presented in collaboration with De Châtel sur place. 
  • The Thirdspace Perspective: Expanding the Critical Imagination: Closed tour for students of University Maastricht.
  • The body-space dialogue: In conversation with
    Krisztina de Châtel:
     Interview with the grande dame of Dutch modern dance, Krisztina de Châtel.
  • De Châtel @ Docfest: The documentary film A Frenzied Control / Life and Dance of Krisztina de Châtel and the short dance film Flight presented during the documentary film festival Docfest.
  • (Un)building Archives: Roundtable discussion about archival practices within the dance sector in collaboration with the Maastricht University Masters’ programme Arts and Heritage, and the Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH). 
  • Natafelen op Zondag: Finale of the Nederlandse Dansdagen and finissage of The Third Space. Moderator Hadassah de Boer looks back at the festival and five weeks of the dansMuseum. 

Space and Spatiality in the work

of Krisztina de Châtel

The spaces in which Krisztina de Châtel's dance performances take place are often as important as the works themselves. By reconsidering seven of her most emblematic works through the lens of spatial theory, specifically, the work of postmodern geographer Edward Soja, The Third Space aimed to provide new insights into de Châtel’s unique artistic vision and choreographic oeuvre. With the addition of a new installation by de Châtel, created especially for this exhibition, The Third Space also aimed to inspire new ways of thinking about the relationship between space and the body by proposing an alternative framework for its consideration. 


As part of The Third Space exhibition, a publication was produced featuring a description of Edward Soja's concept of Thirdspace, and reflections on how seven of De Châtel's works can be understood according to Soja's concept. The publication also provides more information about the performances selected for this exhibition and about Krisztina de Châtel's working methods.

Scroll down to read the full publication. 


In addition, three articles with reviews of the exhibition can be read on the websites of Theaterkrant, De Volkskrant and De Limburger.

Theaterkrant Volkskrant De Limburger

Guest artist
Krisztina de Châtel

Stephen Shropshire

Assistant curator
Emma Touchot

Project manager
Ilona van den Brekel

Spatial Design
Stephen Shropshire

Installation Design
Krisztina de Châtel in collaboration with Florain Verheijen

Graphic Design
Lyanne Polderman

Jan Flameling, Stephen Shropshire

Translation and text editor
Francesca de Châtel

Nederlandse Dansdagen
Joyce Larue, Bureau Europa

Construction team
Karel Dicker, Leonie Luger, Reinier van der Meer, Lyanne Polderman, Martijn Riksen, Emanuel Riksen, Thomas Hütten, Arjen Zuidgeest

With thanks to
Saskia Stein and Remco Beckers, Bureau Europa; Swantje Schaeuble, De Châtel sur place; Emilie Sitzia, Maastricht University; Christoph Rausch and Vivian van Saaze, Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH)

Photo Credits
All photos courtesy of Krisztina de Châtel and De Châtel sur place. The Third Space: Space and Spatiality in the work of Krisztina de Châtel is made possible with financial support from the Creative Industries Fund Grant Programme for Architecture.