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 In 2019 the Nederlandse Dansdagen presented the the third edition of the danceMuseum: Extinctus / Extantem ​​ an exhibition about the ephemerality, and thus, fragility of dance. This edition of the danceMuseum was unique in that it was presented in the form of a publication: a portable archive of articles, essays and interviews centered around the forgotten and lost movements in Dutch dance.

Dance exists in performance. During the applause, the materiality of dance disappears. That makes retaining and preserving its experience a complex challenge. Because what can you archive, what do you preserve for future generations of dance artists and the public? With the danceMuseum we strive to initiate an ongoing conversation about these questions.



danceMuseum #3 was presented in the form of the publication below Extinctus/Extantem:
A portable archive of articles, essays and interviews that focused on forgotten and lost movements in Dutch dance.


Context programme

To add to the conversation, the festival highlighted three special exhibitions by creators Katja Heitmann, Conny Janssen and P. Struycken.

Motus Mori

With ten dancers, the German choreographer Katja Heitmann creates a museum of physical movement threatened with extinction. Her Museum Motus Mori is a conceptual museum that makes the visitor aware of the deep humanity that is to be found in the body.

Marres, Huis voor Hedendaagse Cultuur from September 13th  - October 27th, 2019.

Website Marres

27 Years Conny Janssen Danst

Choreographer Conny Janssen and theater designer Thomas Rupert put together an exhibition from the company's rich photo and video archives, showcasing highlights of 27 years of Conny Janssen Danst. The works on view consisted of photography, video and set design models. 

Theater aan het Vrijthof
from October  1st - 31st, 2019.

Website Conny Janssen

Kleur: Weelde en Veranderlijkheid

Floors, walls and ceiling of the art pavilion Hedge House were painted with red, white and black areas by visual artist Peter Struycken, through which visitors walked and discovered the work physically and while moving. Especially for the Nederlandse Dansdagen, a dance workshop by choreographer Karin Post took place in the artwork. 

Buitenplaats Kasteel Wijlre
on October 2019.

Website Kasteel Wijlre

Extinctus / Extantem is initiated by the Dutch Dance Festival dansMuseum in collaboration with Maastricht University Master’s programme Arts and Heritage and Maastricht Centre for Arts and Culture, Conservation and Heritage (MACCH).

Stephen Shropshire

Assistant curator
Morgana Braga

Graphic Design
Morgana Braga

Nederlandse Dansdagen

Contributions from
Amos Ben-Tal, Simon van den Berg, Beppie Blankert, Ann Van den Broek, Derrick Brown, Nanette Dejong, Janine Dijkmeijer, Bianca van Dillen, Annette Embrechts, Merel Heering, Katja Heitmann, Carolien Hermans, Conny Janssen, Wubkje Kuindersma, Andrea Leine, Ted Brandsen, Mirjam van der Linden, Karen Levi, Jasper van Luijk, Peggy Olislaegers, Tim Persent, Harry Perton, Karin Post, Fransien van der Putt, Christoph Rausch, Lisa Reinheimer, Vivian van Saaze, Ton Simons, Emilie Sitzia, Hans Tuerlings, Vevi van der Vliet, Roel Voorintholt, en Ed Wubbe.

Photo Credits
Extinctus / Extantem (p. 13, 57, 99)
Courtesy of photographer Anne-Linde Dejong (annelindedejong.nl)

Met, door, omdat en ondanks: Conny Janssen over…
Courtesy of Conny Janssen’s personal archive

Still Life: Ton Simons
Courtesy of Ton Simons’ personal archive

‘The Art of the Gesture’
Images from original publication: Johannes Jelgerhuis, Theoretische lessen over de gesticulatie en mimiek. P. Meyer Warnars, Amsterdam 1827-1830’. Digital source: Koninklijke Bibliotheek / DBNL